The assignment: Sell the Google Nexus 7
Our take: What is a tablet? It's not a phone or a computer. What was it even created to be? Made by Google, the Nexus 7 is the cheapest most hackable tablet and a favorite among MacGyverists. They've turned it into things like a GPS, a pinball machine screen and a universal remote. Because a tablet this versatile doesn't just have a certain way to use it. It was created to be what you make it.
The Gameplan: Target tech-mod lovers on Reddit with a Google Nexus 7 Hackathon. The prize, a potential job at Google. All of the submissions are pooled and upvoted on the Nexus 7 website. Once the Hackathon is over, print ads are published directing people to the site showing them all the possibilities of a Nexus 7. Along with the print will be sponsored ads on google. Users are encouraged to upload their hacks via youtube, and classes will be held on Google Hangouts for anyone interested to learn how to do the top mods.
AD: Jay Yalung
CBM: Jonathan Sekerak
CS: Araba Wilson
CT: Owen Weeks
CW: Colleen Trachy
Nexus 7
We set the plan in motion by posting the Hackathon contest on Reddit. The prize being a job at Google.
Splash Page
The link would take you to the Nexus 7 Splash page which has a new link for the Hackathon
Hackathon Page
Submissions for the Hackathon would be posted on the Hackathon page. The hacks are then voted upon by visitors and higher voted hacks are pushed up to the top of the page.
Then we move into print. Each print ad poking fun of people misusing tablets. Yeah, the tablet has the capabilities, but it can be used for so much more. The print ads have a call to action to visit the website for the Nexus 7 where they will meet the list of all the different hacks that were submitted, showing them the endless possibilities for a Nexus other than using it for selfies.
Google Ads
Since Nexus is owned by Google, we are buying suggested search ads, so that when you search for things that a Nexus can be turned into, you are met with a link to the Nexus website.
Since Google also owns Youtube, we will encourage people to upload their hacks.
Google Hangout
We will employ the top hack creators to host Google Hangouts to teach people how to hack their Nexus 7's the way they did.
All of this will hopefully spark more and better hacks for the Nexus 7, and possibly help developers create better tablets for future models of the Nexus.